State of Washington Seal

State of Washington

What We Do - Membership

The Commission is comprised of eleven members, and eleven alternate members. The eleven members consist of three judges, two lawyers, and six nonattorney citizens. Each member is appointed an alternate. Members are appointed to four-year terms and serve in a volunteer capacity.

Judicial Members and Alternates

Three judges (and three alternates) are appointed by their respective judicial associations: one each from the court of appeals, the superior courts and the limited jurisdiction courts.

Kristian Hedine
Kristian Hedine
(Judge Member and Chair of the Commission) resides in Walla Walla County. He serves as a Walla Walla County District Court Judge. His current term expires in 2025.
Claire Bradley
Claire Bradley
(Alternate Judge Member for Kristian Hedine) resides in Kitsap County. She serves as a Kitsap County District Court Judge. Her current term expires in 2025.
Erik Price
Erik Price
(Judge Member) resides in Thurston County. He serves as a judge on the Washington State Court of Appeals Division II. His current term expires in 2027.
Michael Diaz
J. Michael Diaz
(Alternate Judge Member for Erik Price) resides in King County. He serves as a judge on the Washington State Court of Appeals, Division I. His current term expires in 2027.
Ruth Reukauf
Ruth Reukauf
(Judge Member and Secretary of the Commission) resides in Yakima County. She serves as a Yakima County Superior Court Judge. Her current term expires in 2026.
Michael Evans
Michael Evans
(Alternate Judge Member for Ruth Reukauf ) resides in Cowlitz County. He serves as a Cowlitz County Superior Court Judge. His current term expires 2026.

Attorney Members and Alternates

Two lawyers (and two alternates), are appointed by the Washington State Bar Association Board of Governors.

Ryan Archer
Ryan Archer
(Lawyer Member) resides in King County. He is Chief Counsel for Investigations for The Boeing Company, and a former Assistant U.S. Attorney. His current term expires in 2028.
Emily Hancock
(Alternate Lawyer Member for Ryan Archer) resides in King County. She is supervisor of the Snohomish County Public Defender Association's civil unit and has been a public defender since 2009. Her current term expires in 2028.
Elizabeth Rene
Elizabeth Rene
(Lawyer Member) resides in King County. She is a Hearings Judge for the Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals. Her current term expires in 2027.
Jeffry Finer
(Alternate Lawyer Member for Elizabeth Rene) resides in Spokane County. He has litigated in state and federal courts for 40 years and has taught at Gonzaga School of Law as an adjunct since 1994. His current term expires in 2027.

Public Members and Alternates

Six members of the public (and six alternates), who are not judges or lawyers, are appointed by the Governor.

Ramon Alvarez
Ramon Alvarez
(Public Member and Vice-Chair of the Commission) resides in Thurston County. He is currently the human resources executive director for the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). His current term expires in 2026.
Tara Miller
Tara Miller
(Alternate Public Member for Ramon Alvarez) resides in Okanogan County. She is the Child Support Program spokesperson/advocate for Colville Confederated Tribes. Her current term expires in 2026.
Terrie Ashby-Scott
Terrie Ashby-Scott
(Public Member) resides in Spokane County. She is retired after nearly 30 years in higher education, primarily in the areas of student support with the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship, Eastern Washington University and Washington State University. Her current term expires in 2025.
Steven James
Steven James
(Alternate Public Member for Terrie Ashby-Scott) resides in Lewis County. He is a retired law enforcement officer/supervisor with 34 years of experience. His current term expires in 2025.
Wanda Briggs
Wanda Briggs
(Public Member) resides in Benton County. She retired in 1997 from the Tri-City Herald after nearly 30 years. She was a longtime member on the Tri-Cities Cancer Center’s board of directors, and has served on the Kennewick Public Hospital District board since first elected in 1998. Her current term expires in 2027.
Janet Katz
(Alternate Public Member for Wanda Briggs) resides in Spokane County. Dr. Katz is an emeritus professor at Washington State University College of Nursing and a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. Her current term expires in 2027.
Mustafa Mohamedali
Mustafa Mohamedali
(Public Member) resides in Thurston County. He is a licensed professional engineer and a certified project management professional. He currently works as a research manager for the WA State Department of Transportation’s Research Office. His current term expires in 2028.
LaWonda Smith-Marshall
LaWonda Smith-Marshall
(Alternate Public Member for Mustafa Mohamedali) resides in King County. She is currently the assistant principal at Todd Beamer High School. Her current term expires in 2028.
Gerald Schley
Gerald Schley
(Public Member) resides in King County. Retired vice president, wealth management advisor and Certified Financial Planner for Merrill Lynch/Bank of America, Seattle. His current term expires in 2025.
Erin Williams
(Alternate Public Member for Gerald Schley) Erin Williams resides in Spokane County. She worked in various roles in victim services and served on several boards and commissions in this capacity for over 20 years. She currently serves as Executive Director at Health Sciences and Services Authority of Spokane County. Her current term expires in 2025.
Judie Stanton
Judie Stanton
(Public Member) resides in Clark County. She previously worked for the Clark Public Utilities for 23 years and served as a Clark County commissioner for 8 years. Her current term expires in 2025.
Marsha Moody
Marsha Moody
(Alternate Public Member for Judie Stanton) is a resident of Pierce County. She is a retired owner and president of a large insurance agency in Pierce County. Her current term expires in 2025.

Find out more about the gubernatorial appointment process to a board or commission or Members' Conduct Policies and Procedures.