State of Washington Seal

State of Washington

What We Do - Meetings

At commission meetings, the Commission reviews new complaints, discusses the progress of investigations, and takes action to resolve complaints. The Commission may also consider matters by telephone conference call or remote meeting. Aside from the regularly scheduled meetings, the Commission may also hold public hearings.

Meetings generally begin at 9 AM with an executive (closed) session during which members discuss confidential, pending cases. This session is closed to the public. Business sessions are open to the public and begin at 11 AM. If any pending cases remain for discussion, the members resume their executive session once the business session has concluded. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at:

Crowne Plaza Seattle Airport
17338 International Blvd
Seatac, WA 98188

Remote meetings are held on Zoom and broadcast on TVW. Information on how to view remote meetings on Zoom will be posted in advance.

Scheduled Commission Meetings: